Assessments are essential ways to measure the success of a child’s growth. The importance of assessing a child’s performance with a แบบ ประเมิน พัฒนาการ เด็ก (which is the term in Thai) can never be overemphasized in the struggle of giving a child quality development. General assessments are of two categories. In this article, we shall enumerate the types of assessment and how you can maximize them for efficiency. The two primary forms of assessment, which we shall discuss in this article are the formal assessment and informal assessment.
Formal assessments
In this form of assessment, we will use data to back up all the conclusions derived from the tests. These tests are standardized measures that have been tried before by educators on students as a means of formal assessment. The standardized test will reveal if the student is growing or not. Data from the standardized test are calculated and interpreted in percentiles and averages. They are similar to แบบ ประเมิน พัฒนาการ เด็ก ปฐมวัย (which is the term in Thai)
Informal assessments
This assessment is not obtained from standardized data; instead, it is derived from a series of performance and contents. In this assessment form, the assessments used need to be compatible with the performance of the child. This kind of assessment is suitable for making informal instructions for the child. The purpose of accessing the child should determine the type of evaluation to use in this method. When it comes to measuring the overall performance of a child with his age mates, a formal method of assessment can be employed. In teaching activities, for effective impact in studies, the teachers need to identify the performance objectives and position their study and curriculum towards achieving these objectives, after which they proceeded to assess the performance objectives. With the knowledge gained from the informal assessments, teachers can identify those areas where the objectives have not been attained yet and re-teach them.