All the new technological advances happening around the globe have turned everything into smart curtains technology. Smart technology means something easier the control and intuitive as well. Turning your whole house into a smart house might feel a bit overwhelming. So, why not start with the curtains.

Curtains are pieces of fabric of various materials used to hang on the windowsills. The major purpose of these is to cover up the windows and protect the house from the curious eyes of the outside world. Other than that, curtains are also used to decorate the house and add to the theme of the house.

Smart curtains are also pieces of fabric just like your usual curtains. What makes them different is that they are installed with motors and other amplifying accessories. Which are used to control the movement and style of the curtains.

Now you might be thinking about how these smart curtains work. These curtains are made with motors and devices that are used to capture signals whether from a remote or your mobile phone devices or any other mode of communication you wish to set it up with. A gentle tug or click of a button will make the curtains open or close automatically depending on your choice and the pieces of instructions provided. This way there is no longer needed to get up and open or close the curtains by hand or ask someone else t do it. This method as much as it is automatic is also quite smooth and noiseless.

There are two ways to have the curtains installed in your home or any other place of yours. It can be done either by a wireless router or using wired technology. The wireless router can be placed anywhere according to your choice and comfort which you can use when desired. The wireless router works on high-owner batteries and is preferred for curtains that are lightweight or are not to be changed continuously.

If you wish to or have the choice to go with the wired smart curtain technology then you can go with wired motors. By using wired motors, you can integrate the curtains mechanism or the motor’s power source into the main electricity lining of your place. This is ideal for heavier curtains or those used in meetings for acoustic effects as they require a continuous source of power to work. If you are worried about the work that might come with installation and may lead to the possible renovation of the place for that you have another option which is using batteries or a pack of batteries that gives a wireless solution so you would not have to change up the look of your house or compromise the furniture.

If you do not wish to use a remote control then you can use your phones as a mode of communication by installing an application that is given by the manufacturer and will control the curtains. There is also a voice automated feature, you can just ask the assistant what you wish and that would be.
