Once you find out what calibration is, this question is more than legitimate. The calibration of the representational system is made by paying attention to numerous elements of verbal, para verbal, and non-verbal language. Each representational system uses different language specificities.

The ability to identify the representational system used by the people you relate to is a critical feature in GED calibration(สอบเทียบ GED which is the term in thai).

To calibrate the representational system, be interested in particular in a single element of verbal language, that is, in sensory predicates.

The same concept can be described by a person using one of the three representational systems, namely the visual (V), the auditory (A), or the kinesthetic (K) systems.

Here is a demonstration example:

  • in front of you, you have a bright future, “bright” is an element that refers to the visual representational system;
  • in front of you, you have a rocking future, “rocking” is an element that refers to the auditory representational system;
  • in front of you have a concrete future, “concrete” is an element that refers to the kinesthetic representational system (K).

These three sentences all have the same meaning, namely that of a positive future.

At the same time, they are expressed with three representational systems.

There could also be a situation where no representational system is used:

  • in front of you you have a positive future;

or the case in which more than one representational system is used:

  • in front of you, you have a concretely bright future.

Paying attention to the sensory predicates used by the person with whom you are relating is, therefore, fundamental to recognize the type of representational system used. We can still find out what some of these sensory predicates about the representational system.
