Although Utah has the lowest number of the aging population, according to the Census Bureau in 2018, it still accounts for 11%. As the years grow, their number increases and many will decide to age in place.
These people will face many challenges that can affect their health and, subsequently, local healthcare and the economy. How can they reduce age-related threats? One interesting but effective option is music.
1. Guitar Lessons Can Improve Memory and Dexterity
Guitar lessons can be difficult for older adults, but the activity offers plenty of rewards. Two of these are memory improvement and hand dexterity.
As you grow older, you might notice you struggle with remembering things. Current studies show that brain volume shrinks when you turn forty. Nerve cells or neurons, which help the brain regions communicate, can also atrophy.
This doesn’t factor in neurological, endocrine, and cognitive conditions, such as dementia, hypothyroidism, and inflammation of the blood vessels.
To prevent or reduce age-related memory loss, older adults need to engage their brain – challenge it – so it continues to produce new neurons and force them into action. Guitar lessons can do that as students are forced to remember hand placements, chords, and lyrics.
Speaking of hand placements, guitar lessons can enhance the dexterity of the limbs. This is essential since aging can cause joint stiffness. Since hands are vital for many daily tasks, like eating or gripping, exercising them with something fun is ideal.
2. Listening to Classical Music Can Lower Stress Levels
Older people can still experience high stress levels. They might worry about their income or develop feelings of isolation and loneliness. Their health condition can also increase their anxiety.
Unlike the younger generation, though, the impact of stress can be more harmful to the elderly. It can hurt their already weakened immune system. It can worsen their symptoms or chronic conditions.
Fortunately, they can reduce their stress levels fast by listening to music – classical music, to be specific. In various studies, the music of Mozart and his contemporaries helped to slow down the heart rate and even blood pressure. These changes indicate the research participants felt relaxed.
3. Dance Music Can Entice You to Move
Older adults are prone to immobility and hip fractures. Interestingly enough, movement can help reduce the risks for these health problems. However, for those who lack motivation, they can play some dance tunes.
Fast music seems to promote arousal, so people feel more alert and focused. It can also increase the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter and hormone associated with rewards. In other words, it keeps you feel motivated and engaged.
If that isn’t enough, as the body produces dopamine, it could also create serotonin. This neurotransmitter regulates mood and pain perception. It helps explain why people feel good after exercising and lessens the feeling of pain. All these positive emotions help older adults stay committed to movement or exercise.
Indeed, besides love, nothing is more universal than music. Even better, the soother of the soul is excellent for anyone’s health and well-being, especially for the elderly.
Meta title: 3 Ways Music Is Healthy for Seniors
Meta description: Utah might have the lowest population of older adults, but estimates suggest it will increase in the coming years. How can they improve their health and well-being even when they’re alone?